Dialogue Session with HRD Corp

A dialogue session was organized by HRD Corp. Those attended were representatives of Training Providers’ Association, Trainers’ Association and Coaches’ Association. Dr. Maria Rufina attended as well. Here are the key pointers discussed and announced.

The purpose of this article is to disseminate the information and to give a heads up to the relevant stakeholders, so that they can be prepared, while waiting for an official circular from HRD Corp.

  • Effective 1st January 2022 Trainers and trainees must be vaccinated in order to conduct or attend training respectively. A mechanism will be put in place to monitor this.
  • If you are a director of a registered training provider (registered with HRD Corp), you cannot be a director of another.
  • More restriction in becoming a HRD Corp Training Provider
  • Newly registered TPs will have like a “probation” before certified as Registered Training Provider
  • Certification of programmes by MQA is being initiated
  • HRD Corp Ethics and Integrity body has been formed, called JATI to govern the training industry
  • “Single Window” for training contract application, meaning once obtain a grant from one ministry, they can’t use the same to apply from another ministry. HRD Corp shall be the champion for this. 

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