Our Services


  • Administrative
  • Business Writing
  • Communication
  • Presentation Skills
  • Customer Service
  • English Language
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Financial Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Leadership Series
  • Managers Development
  • Skills Development Courses
  • Operations Management
  • Personal Enhancement
  • Purchasing & Supply Chain
  • Quality Tools & Techniques
  • Safety Series
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Supervisory Development
  • Teambuilding – General
  • Teambuilding – Customized
  • Train The Trainer Series

Certification Programs

  • Certified Professional Administrators
  • Certified Professional Supervisors
  • Certified International Professional Managers (IPMA, UK)
  • Strategic Leadership for Managers and Senior Managers
  • Business Leadership and Acceleration for Entrepreneurs
  • Youth Leadership Program
  • Women Empowerment Program


We help organizations identify the underlying issues behind any form of concerns or non-performance by conducting independent surveys. Appropriate recommendations will be forwarded to rectify the issues. Some surveys for different purposes are:

  • Organization Survey
  • Employee Opinion Survey
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • Mystery Shopping

Performance Management

In managing performance, we assist with the following:

  • Identifying Performance Measures
  • Identifying Key Result Area
  • Coaching Team Leaders or Supervisors in Managing Performance and Non-Performance

Management Retreat

We assist organizations in planning and facilitation management retreats for various purposes:

  • Reinforce Integration and Team Spirit
  • Strategic Planning
  • Creating a Dynamic and Purposeful Management Team

Human Resource Policies & Procedures

Development of Human Resource Policies and Procedures in line with the country’s legislation.

Training Needs Analysis

Conducting training needs analysis and to develop appropriate training plans.

Suggestion Programs

Development of a suggestion program.

Performance Appraisal System

Development of performance appraisal system or just performance appraisal formats for various levels of employees.

Job Descriptions Development

Conducting job analysis to develop job descriptions and job specifications. Development of salary grades / structure.

Psychometric Tools

Off the shelf and open architecture tools and templates for the purpose of recruitment and selection, competencies and personality assessment and surveys.

Training Games & Activities

Individual activities, exercise and games that are designed to improve or develop individual or team skills, to raise awareness of important organizational issues. These games and activities come in various forms such as cards, props and board games.

Our Services

Human Resource Policies & Procedures

Development of Human Resource Policies and Procedures in line with the country’s legislation.

Training Needs Analysis

Conducting training needs analysis and to develop appropriate training plans.

Suggestion Programs

Development of a suggestion program.


Performance Appraisal System

Development of performance appraisal system or just performance appraisal formats for various levels of employees.

Job Descriptions Development

Conducting job analysis to develop job descriptions and job specifications. Development of salary grades / structure.

Psychometric Tools

Off the shelf and open architecture tools and templates for the purpose of recruitment and selection, competencies and personality assessment and surveys.

Training Games & Activities

Individual activities, exercise and games that are designed to improve or develop individual or team skills, to raise awareness of important organizational issues. These games and activities come in various forms such as cards, props and board games.

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